
Directorate of Research and Development

Community Engagement

Directorate of community engagement and empowerment


Directorate Innovation & Science Techno Park
Welcome to Universitas Indonesia Research and Innovation page

UI is committed to serving as a leading university in Indonesia that conducts the 3-pillars of the higher education institution with missions of educating the life of the nation, uplifting the nation’s dignity, preserving its cultural richness, and resolving challenges and issues at the national and international levels.

Research and Innovation at a glance

Research and innovation play an essential role in manifesting UI as an innovative, independent, inclusive, prestigious, and leading university in Southeast Asia and the world. It provides end-to-end services to support research, innovation development, and community engagement, from initial funding to commercialization and community empowerment.

Through the implementation of research, innovation, and community engagement that reaches the problem core, UI provides contributions that comply with society and business needs. Excellent and advanced research is developed and applied as products and services that will improve the quality of life.


As a comprehensive university, comprising 14 faculties and 2 postgraduate schools, we have five research focuses which we expect to be able to contribute to the implementation of sustainable development goals.



UI opens the widest possible access to promote international research collaborations through academic staff exchange. UI Academic Staff Exchange Program is a visiting scholar program particularly designed to facilitate international academics and researchers to conduct various activities at UI and to also support UI scholars visiting our partner universities.


UI welcomes applications from students, senior academics, professors, and researchers who wish to spend periods monthly up to yearly in the faculty to exchange expertise or carry out research with faculty members of a department as their scientific counterparts. With regards to the research focus highlighted, UI’s Visiting Researchers Program will facilitate the exchange of expertise and collaboration between UI faculties and their counterparts, or vice versa.


Policy Brief G20

Roadmap Riset & Inovasi

Soratan Riset, Inovasi, dan Pengabdian Masyarakat 2022

Highlight Research, Innovation, and Community Engagement 2022
Highlight Research, Innovation, and Community Engagement 2023

Booklet SDGs


Kaleidoskop 2020

Kaleidoskop 2021

Kaleidoskop 2022

Kaleidoskop 2023

Kaleidoskop 2024