August 6, 2020


NOTA DINAS Nomor : ND-384/UN2.RST/PPM.00.01/2020   Yth.     : Penerima Pendanaan PUTI tahun 2020 Dari     : Direktur Riset dan Pengembangan Perihal : Laporan Kemajuan PUTI tahun 2020   Sehubungan dengan proses monitoring PUTI tahun 2020, kami informasikan bahwa Bapak/Ibu harus menyelesaikan kewajiban sebagai berikut: mengisi logbook riset di RIMA (; menggunggah Laporan Kemajuan dan...
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REGISTRATION LIMITS: 23/09/2020 Hubert Curien (PHC) Nusantara 2021 has been opened. This research funding program aims to promote the exchange of knowledge and technology between research centers in the two countries, focusing on the potential for new collaborations and the participation of young researchers and doctoral students. This annual program is organized in collaboration with...
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PRELIMINARY BACKGROUND Research-Based Policy Grant is a research scheme aimed at obtaining solutions and recommendations for problems that exist in society, industry, and government as a continuation of basic research. This activity is a research model that integrates research and community service. This research scheme is oriented towards science and technology products that validated in...
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