
Biodiversity on land, including flora and fauna, needs to be considered, especially for those categorized as endangered species. The first step that can be taken by universities to maintain biodiversity is to make policies regarding the prohibition of waste disposal that can damage the terrestrial environment, such as B3 waste and non-disposable waste. Universities can...
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Most of the environment of aquatic ecosystems is water which is the habitat of aquatic creatures and amphibians that live in two realms. These ecosystems consist of living biomes that depend on each other and their environment. Then, the aquatic ecosystem consists of two types, namely marine ecosystems (marine) and freshwater ecosystems (freshwater) and its...
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In reducing climate change, universities can collaborate with local and regional governments and NGOs. The program form of the cooperation can also be informed to the local community as a form of early warning and risk monitoring. In addition, universities can provide local education programs on climate to students and local communities. Universities also need...
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Changes in consumption patterns can help limit economic growth and human well-being from resource use and their impact on the environment. Resource and impact constraints are needed to make the transition to a greener and more socially inclusive global economy. The university as a center for learning activities can instill consumption and production patterns in...
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A sustainable city is an agenda for change in creating a dignified life and a prerequisite for community growth and development. Universities should also offer support through the implementation of proactive urban policies and increase the capacity of actors in the urban sector to meet the unique challenges of the city.
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Ensuring inequality and the under-representation is reduced is the path to better justice. Inequality exists in various forms, such as economy, gender, disability, race, social inequality, and various forms of discrimination. Universities with a high degree of heterogeneity are more likely to instill and disseminate values that support equality.
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The ability to stay connected and thrive in industry and technology is critical to addressing economic, social and environmental challenges. Universities can set standards and promote regulations that ensure company projects and initiatives are managed sustainably. Universities can also collaborate with NGOs and the public sector to help promote sustainable growth in developing countries.
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Having a job does not guarantee the ability to get out of the grip of poverty. A persistent shortage of decent job opportunities, inadequate investment and low consumption lead to the erosion of the fundamental social contract on which a democratic society is based: All progress must be shared. Decent work in safe and stable...
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Energy is one of the main supporting factors of human life. Energy and how it is used must be efficient, sustainable and renewable as much as possible. Energy is at the center of almost every major challenge and opportunity facing the world today and access to energy for all is critical. But energy must be...
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Clean water and sanitation are basic human needs. One of the points in the sustainable development goals (SDGs) in the environmental sector is to ensure that the community achieves universal access to clean water and sanitation. Water supports agriculture and aquaculture. Clean water is very important. However, due to a poor economy or poor infrastructure,...
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