wisnu pratikto


Sosialisasi Hibah PITTA dan Pengmas UI 2017 di Fasilkom Pada tanggal 1 Februari 2017, Prof. Heri Hermansyah memaparkan program hibah PITTA dan Pengmas UI tahun 2017 di ruang rapat gedung A lantai 2 Fasilkom. Sosialisasi dihadiri oleh 50 peserta yang terdiri atas dosen dan mahasiswa fasilkom. DRPM akan kembali sosialisasi Hibah PITTA di fakultas-fakultas lainnya...
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Sosialisasi Hibah PITTA dan Pengmas UI 2017 di FKM UI Dr. Dede Djuhana (Kasubdit PPR DRPM UI) mempresentasikan program hibah PITTA dan Pengmas UI tahun 2017 di gedung G ruang doktor lantai 1 FKM UI. Sosialisasi dihadiri oleh 25 orang yang terdiri atas dosen dan mahasiswa FKM UI. DRPM akan kembali sosialisasi Hibah PITTA di...
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Sosialisasi Hibah PITTA dan Pengmas UI 2017 di FKM UI Dr. Dede Djuhana (Kasubdit PPR DRPM UI) mempresentasikan program hibah PITTA dan Pengmas UI tahun 2017 di gedung G ruang doktor lantai 1 FKM UI. Sosialisasi dihadiri oleh 25 orang yang terdiri atas dosen dan mahasiswa FKM UI. DRPM akan kembali sosialisasi Hibah PITTA di...
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The 1st International Conference of Vocational Higher Education provides an international forum that brings together those who are actively involved in the field of applied sciences that held in vocational higher education, to report on up-to-the-minute innovations and developments, to summarize the state-of-the-art, and to exchange ideas and advances in all aspects of multidiscipline in...
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International Nursing Student Symposium and Festival (INSympoFest) 2016 is a melting pot of science and culture in which nursing students from across the globe will share their researches, innovations, artworks and culture. This event aims at engaging nursing students from various backgrounds to promote knowledge sharing and deeper understanding in cultural diversity in nursing. INSympoFest...
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International Nursing Student Symposium and Festival (INSympoFest) 2016 is a melting pot of science and culture in which nursing students from across the globe will share their researches, innovations, artworks and culture. This event aims at engaging nursing students from various backgrounds to promote knowledge sharing and deeper understanding in cultural diversity in nursing. INSympoFest...
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International Nursing Student Symposium and Festival (INSympoFest) 2016 is a melting pot of science and culture in which nursing students from across the globe will share their researches, innovations, artworks and culture. This event aims at engaging nursing students from various backgrounds to promote knowledge sharing and deeper understanding in cultural diversity in nursing. INSympoFest...
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The 1st International Nursing Congress 2016 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are global development agenda which agreed by the United Nations at the end of September 2015 in New York, USA. SDGs started in 2016 and finished in 2030. SDGs are international agenda which aimed to encourage national engagement and commitment to support sustainability global development....
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Universitas Indonesia Psychology Symposium for Undergraduate Research (UIPSUR) is an international research event that is conducted by the Faculty of Psychology Universitas Indonesia to provide an opportunity for undergraduate students to showcase their research to the scientific community. As one of the oldest Faculties of Psychology in Indonesia, our aim is to be the leader...
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