UI-Olympus Bioimaging Center Scientific Awards 2015 :  Call for Proposal!

UI-Olympus Bioimaging Center (UOBC) in collaboration with Directorate Research and Community Services UI proudly presents UOBC Scientific Award 2015.

UOBC Scientific Awards 2015 is a program that funded by UI-Olympus Bioimaging Center to support and encourage the development of research in any scientific area that involving Bioimaging method. The Awardee would be granted for an official certificate and instant fund/grant  to support their research/publication.


Poster UOBC-02


Download Program Guideline and Proposal Writing Guideline here  (.pdf) and proposal form (.doc) here

For registration, send an email with subject “UOBC Scientific Awards 2015 Registration” and attached  your proposal, submit to : uobc.research@ui.ac.id   , before October 10th, 2015.

Accepted proposal  announced at October  16th, 2015.

Download Program Poster here


Further information :

Fatma 085731350263

Hardika 08568455132


UI- Olympus Bioimaging Center (UOBC)

Gedung Integrated Laboratory and Research Center (ILRC) – 3rd floor

Universitas Indonesia – Kampus Depok

Jawa Barat 16426

Phone +62-21 7270152 Ext.115

E-mail uobc.research@ui.ac.id