Research Based Policy Grant


Research-Based Policy Grant is a research scheme aimed at obtaining solutions and recommendations for problems that exist in society, industry, and government as a continuation of basic research. This activity is a research model that integrates research and community service. This research scheme is oriented towards science and technology products that validated in the field or relevant environment. In the process of measuring TKT, research results will be at level 4 to level 6.

This scheme carried out in the form of cooperation from within or outside the country. Research on foreign collaboration can be carried out multilaterally or in the form of a consortium. This research activity area’s focus adjusted to 5 (five) focus areas of the University of Indonesia (UI): 1. Health and Welfare, 2. Energy and Material Resources, 3. Innovative and Connected Society, 4. Earth, Nature, and Climate, 5. Resilience and Security. The research substance refers to the five focus areas of the UI, which then derived into the research theme, topic, and title. This scheme is multiyear with an activity period of 2-3 years. The output of the activity will be evaluated every year, and the funding for this research will follow the applicable funding provisions.


The Research-Based Policy Grant aims to:

increasing the role of universities in making positive contributions to government policies;

increase the ability of researchers within UI to produce research-based policy products in science, technology, arts, and culture;

strengthening applied and multidisciplinary research roadmaps;

build collaboration between universities and partners who use research results;

improve and encourage the ability of researchers at UI to collaborate with partner institutions at home or abroad; and

obtain ownership of KI for science, technology, art, and culture products.



  1. One academic paper and policy brief submitted to user partners;

  2. Documentation of activities submitted to user partners as evidenced by minutes of acceptance.



Sistematika Proposal Research Based Policy 2020