Pameran Inovasi Virtual Universitas Indonesia: UI hasilkan 3890 Kekayaan Intelektual dalam Waktu 6 Tahun Terakhir

Senin, 30 Agustus 2021, Direktorat Inovasi dan Science Techno Park, Universitas Indonesia (UI)meluncurkanPameran Inovasi Virtual UIsebagai puncak perayaan Bulan Inovasi 2021. Acara ini disiarkan secara langsung melalui kanal YouTube resmi UI, sebagai bentuk partisipasidalam kegiatan Hari Kebangkitan Teknologi Nasional (Hakteknas) yang diperingati pada 10 Agustus 2021.

Prof. Ari Kuncoro, S.E., M.A., Ph.D.selaku Rektor UIdalam pidato kuncinya mengatakansebagai perguruan tinggi yang unggul, inklusif, toleran dan bermartabat, UI senantiasa berupaya memberikan berbagai solusi atas berbagai macam permasalahan masyarakat Indonesia. Dengan dibukanya pameran inovasi ini, diharapkan dapat mendemonstrasikan setiap hasil produk riset dan inovasi yang dihasilkanoleh sivitas akademika UI secara luas kepada stakeholder, untuk perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi di Indonesia.“Kami harap bangsa Indonesia dapat menikmati sensasi berada pada lingkungan virtual 3D dalam pameran riset ini. Kami mempersembahkan pameran ini untuk kemajuan bangsa Indonesia yang tercinta,” ujar beliau.

Hadir dalam peresmian Pameran Inovasi Virtual, Wikan Sakarinto, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., selaku Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Vokasi, Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi mewakili Menteri Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi. Wikan menyampaikan bahwa selama pandemi, kita terus dituntut untuk bisa bertahan. Pandemi bukan menjadi penghalang, justru menjadi ajang agar dapatberinovasi. Persaingan antar universitas dalam negeri sudah tidak relevan lagi, justru harus tercipta kolaborasi untuk memajukan Indonesia.

Wakil Rektor Bidang Riset dan Inovasi, drg. Nurtami, Ph.D., Sp,OF(K) dalam paparannya menyampaikan bahwa riset dan inovasi menjadi tulang punggung bergeraknya universitas tradisional menuju entrepreneurial university. Kedepan, UI akan mengembangkan konsep terpadu yakni Science Techno Park dalam pengembangan inovasi dari berbagai rumpun ilmu. Selama rentang tahun 2015-2021, UI telah menghasilkan 3.890 kekayaan intelektual. UI juga memajukan pertumbuhan industri baru, kecil, dan berbasis teknologi hingga menghasilkan 98 startup yang masih hidup dan berproduksi. Di tahun 2020, telah lahir beberapa inovasi yang membanggakan UI seperti COVENT-20: Ventilator Transport Darurat Lokal Portabel, Implant: Biomaterial Titanium, Bus Listrik, dan Sistem Peringatan Dini dalam mendeteksi ancaman bencana longsor. UI juga memiliki beberapa perusahaan pemula berbasis teknologi seperti Metamorpuzzle (edukasi), Dietela (food and beverage), dan Wear Weird (fashion). “Marilah sivitas akademika UIterus berkomitmen memperkuat inovasi dan daya saing melalui pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, guna meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Marilah UI berkontribusi positif, turut memajukan industrialisasi nasional, memajukan pertubuhan industri baru, kecil dan berbasis teknologi, melahirkan banyak startup, terjun langsung memanfaatkan produk inovasi ke masyarakat dari Sabang sampai Merauke serta menyumbang pemikiran melalui rekomendasi kebijakan bagi pemerintah”, pungkas Nurtami.

Selepas pemaparan Wakil Rektor Bidang Riset dan Inovasi, acara dilanjutkan dengan pemaparan Direktur Inovasi dan Science Techno ParkUI, Ahmad Gamal, S.Ars., M.Si., MUP., Ph.D. Beliau menyampaikan cara mengakses Pameran Inovasi Virtual UI. Gamal menjelaskan bahwa Pameran Inovasi Virtual UItetap diselenggarakan walaupun di tengah pandemi, sebab hal ini juga menjadi salah satu bentuk inovasi karena mampu menemukan platform untuk menghadirkan pengalaman virtual exhibition sebagai sebuah pengalaman baru. “Pameran virtual dapat dinikmati menggunakan mode virtual reality sehingga menjadi sebuah pengalaman unik tersendiri”, tutur Gamal sembari menunjukkan cara mengoperasikan fitur pada laman Mengakhiri paparannya, Gamal mengajak seluruh masyarakat untuk dapat mengakses Pameran Virtual UI melalui laman yang dapat diakses hingga satu tahun ke depan.


Universitas Indonesia Virtual Innovation Exhibition: UI Produced 3890 Intellectual Properties in the Last 6 Years

Monday, August 30, 2021, the Directorate of Innovation and Science Techno Park, Universitas Indonesia (UI), launched the UI Virtual Innovation Exhibition as the highlight of the 2021 Innovation Month celebration. This event was a form of UI participation in Hari Kebangkitan Teknologi Nasional (Hakteknas) which is commemorated on August 10, 2021 and was broadcasted live through UI’s official YouTube channel.

Prof. Ari Kuncoro, S.E., M.A., Ph.D., the rector of UI, said that as a university that is superior, inclusive, tolerant, and dignified, UI always strives to provide various solutions to various kinds of problems of Indonesian people in his keynote speech. With the opening of this innovation exhibition, it is hoped that it will demonstrate every product of research and innovation produced by the UI academic community to stakeholders for the development of science and technology in Indonesia. “We hope that the Indonesian people can enjoy the sensation of being in a 3D virtual environment in this research exhibition. We present this exhibition for the progress of the beloved Indonesian nation,” he said.

Wikan Sakarinto, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., as Director-General of Vocational Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, was present at the inauguration of the Virtual Innovation Exhibition representing the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. Wikan said that during the pandemic, we are required to survive constantly. The pandemic is not a barrier; it is an opportunity to innovate. Competition between domestic universities is no longer relevant; instead, collaboration must be created to advance Indonesia.

Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, drg. Nurtami, Ph.D., Sp,OF(K), in her presentation, said that research and innovation are the backbones of the movement of traditional universities to become entrepreneurial universities. In the future, UI will develop an integrated concept, namely the Science Techno Park, to accommodate the development of innovations from various scientific groups. Until 2020, UI is the university with the highest intellectual property in Indonesia, with 3,980 copyrights and patents. UI also promotes the growth of new, small, and technology-based industries to produce 98 startups that are still running and in production. In 2020, UI proudly presented several innovations, such as COVENT-20: Portable Local Emergency Transport Ventilator, Implant: Titanium Biomaterial, Electric Bus, and Early Warning System in detecting the threat of landslides. UI also has several technology-based startup companies such as Metamorpuzzle (education), Dietela (food and beverage), and Wear Weird (fashion). “Let the UI academics continue to be committed to strengthening innovation and competitiveness through the development of science and technology to improve the welfare of the community. Let UI contribute positively, participate in advancing national industrialization, promote the development of new, small and technology-based industries, give birth to many startups, engage directly in utilizing innovative products to the community from Sabang to Merauke and contribute ideas through policy recommendations for the government,” concluded Nurtami.

After the Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation presentation, the event continued with the presentation from the Director of Innovation and Science Techno Park UI, Ahmad Gamal, S.Ars., M.Sc., MUP., Ph.D. He explained how to access the UI Virtual Innovation Exhibition. Gamal said that the UI Virtual Innovation Exhibition was still held even amid a pandemic. This event was a form of innovation because it could find a platform to present the virtual exhibition experience as a new experience. “The virtual exhibition can be enjoyed using virtual reality mode so that it becomes a unique experience in itself,” said Gamal while showing how to operate the features on the website. At the end of his presentation, Gamal invited the entire community to access the UI Virtual Exhibition through the website, which can be accessed for up to one year.